Here are my "stupid" creativity techniques from A to Z.
A- Ambition to be creative (有雄心壯志 就是要有創意)
B- Brainstorming (腦力激盪)
C- Critical thinking (正向批判思考)
D- Day-dreaming (做做白日夢吧!!)
E- Experiencing (去經歷囉!!)
F- Free-writing by using five Ws and H (用五個Ws H亂寫 一通)
G- Goal-setting (設定目標)
H- Hey, I am doing well. (是呀!! 我做的挺不錯的唷)
I- Idea box (點子寶盒)
J- Just do it. (放手去做吧!!)
K- Keeping a day-dream diary (寫白日夢札記!)
L- Listing the advantages and disadvantages (列出優勢劣勢表)
M- Mind-mapping (心智繪圖)
N- Notebook VS Note-taking (筆記及記筆記)
O- Open-minded to observe others’ viewpoints (敞開心胸觀察別人觀點而非關點→別把自己關起來)
P- Pictures as idea triggers (圖引發創意發想)
Q- Questions (問題)
R- Relaxation (放鬆 輕鬆)
S- SWOT analysis (強弱優劣分析)
T- Think and talk (思慮 與 表達)
U- Use crazy thoughts and consult with experts (善用瘋狂想法 請益專家)
V- Visualize the success ( 成功視覺化)
W- Why, who, when, where, which, what, (為什麼?誰?何時?在那?是什麼?)
X- Xplanation (善解 好釋)
Y- Yeah, I make it. (是呀! 我辦的到!)
Z- Zzzz ( Have a sound sleep) ( 有充足的睡眠!!)